By Zimmerman Industries
Improper curing can easily cut the strength of even the best concrete by 50%. Curing simply means keeping the water in the concrete where it can do its job of chemically combining with the cement to change the cement into a touch “glue” that will help make strong durable concrete. Good curing means keeping the concrete damp and at about 70*F (21*C) until the concrete is strong enough to do its job. Recommended practice calls for a minimum of seven days curing for ambient temperatures above 40*F (4*C) for the time necessary to attain 70% of the specified compressive or flexural strength, whichever period is less.
All concrete must be cured to attain maximum strength. Correctly cured concrete is best from every standpoint. It shrinks less, cracks less, dusts less and has fewer pores and crevices where water can enter, freeze expand and crack the concrete. It is stronger, more durable and has a more wear-resistant surface. Start curing the concrete as soon as possible after it has hardened. Early drying – especially in hot, windy weather – must be prevented or the concrete will not attain its full quality. Methods of curing include but are not limited to; water spray, waterproof curing paper or damp burlap.
For more information, contact Rich Manners at (732) 229-7678 or email